Why You Should Do An Asbestos Inspection Before Your Renovation or Remodeling Project
Are you planning on giving your home a new look? Perhaps you’d like to add a new room or break down a wall or two to make a bigger space? Before you go ahead with any of those plans, you need to ensure that you and the rest of your household are safe by having an asbestos inspection done. An asbestos inspection may not be the first thing that comes to mind when planning on updating the look of your home or building, but it is probably one of the most important steps you should take. As experts in the field, we at GEO Environmental Co., Inc have written down a few pointers that emphasize why you should perform an asbestos inspection before your renovation or remodeling project.
From a regulatory perspective, NYSDOL requires asbestos inspections in 12 NYCRR Part 56-5 for demolition, renovation, remodeling and repair. The onus falls on the home or building owner, and many municipalities require this inspection prior to giving you a work permit. Check with your Town.
Disturbing materials such as asbestos-containing plaster, sheetrock, floor tile, etc., can potentially contaminate your entire house and create a long-term harmful environment for your family. This is why it is crucial to have an asbestos inspection before going through with any renovation because you don’t know how much asbestos you could be exposing yourself to by disturbing various building materials.
An asbestos inspection before the renovation is unlike a regular asbestos inspection in that it is much more intrusive. Since renovations can reveal areas with asbestos that would normally be inaccessible, an asbestos inspection for the purpose of a renovation is generally more thorough and specific, based on the scope of work.
Only asbestos abatement professionals should handle, remove and dispose of asbestos. Abatement professionals are trained to safely handle asbestos by using specialty equipment and techniques along with engineering controls. Mishandling asbestos may lead to asbestos exposure and possible contamination. Individuals exposed to asbestos may develop various cancers, mesothelioma and other asbestos-related diseases. This is why you need to make sure you know all the facts before hiring and allowing a general contractor to renovate.
Sometimes contractors don’t know the requirements or understand the potentially harmful effects of certain materials. Hiring a professional that specializes in environmental testing is the key to ensuring no one is harmed. A certified asbestos inspector will carefully wet and collect the sample, enclose it in a sealed baggie with minimal disturbance and clean up the area properly. We don’t recommend that the homeowner or a contractor take the sample as proper techniques and/or tools are required. Specialized care needs to be taken in case the material is indeed asbestos-containing. A user friendly, final report will indicate any asbestos containing materials found, their locations, and the quantities affected.
Having a certified asbestos inspector collect samples and provide a report before any renovation work will provide you with the peace of mind that comes with knowing that you are keeping your home and family safe. Inspection costs will depend on the number of samples collected and analyzed. You can give us a call telling us what your scope of work is, and we can provide you with an approximate cost over the phone.
If you are looking for asbestos inspection and environmental consulting in Yorktown Heights, NY, then reach out to us at (914) 962-1086 or send us an email at info@geoenv.us. We were established in 1988 with the goal of providing professional, dependable, high-quality services to residential and commercial clients without forgetting the importance of value and personal commitment. We are dedicated to giving our customers asbestos-related services, indoor air quality testing, and environmental consulting to assure the safety of their families and/or employees.
With over thirty years of experience in environmental testing and consulting, our state-certified specialists provide various types of services while helping you comply with the myriad of regulatory requirements. We offer services like asbestos pre-demolition and pre-renovation inspections, infiltration blower door/duct leakage testing, asbestos air sampling and analysis, asbestos project monitoring, indoor air quality testing, asbestos project design, mold testing, radon testing, mold assessments and work plans, lead paint inspections, etc. To learn more about the services we offer, please click here. To get in touch with us, please click here.